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Black Copper Marans

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale Sold out

 * Anticipated shipping starting in March 2025 hen and weather depedent. *

**All of our chicks are sold straight-run (unsexed) unless otherwise specified.There is a 8 chick minimum for shipping when purchasing chicks - if you are local and would like to pickup in Pierce County WA please contact prior to purchasing** 

Everyone always talks about BCM for their gorgeous eggs! If you are wanting some gorgeous chocolate
 eggs then this is the breed for you.
Sometimes they have speckles on them and they come in varying shades of brown.
As the hens lay their egg color ranges (darkness and/or speckles) and once she has had a few days off and begins to lay again the eggs are darker . I will always try to send the darkest possible eggs, but there are times where the eggs will be a little lighter due to where the hens are at in their cycle. After they have been laying for a while they do tend to lighten.
They are an overall friendly and fairly calm breed. The hens are often found following us around looking for treats.
We are continuously striving to increase the darkness of the eggs which is our focus currently. 
All of our chicks are sold straight-run (unsexed) unless otherwise specified. There is a 8 chick minimum for shipping when purchasing chicks. 
We cannot guarantee what color of egg your chick will grow up to lay; however, we do post example egg photos from our flock and select quality breeding birds to reduce the chances of birds laying different from what is expected.

 The hens are working hard and all egg colors fluctuate during a hens laying cycle. Please be mindful of this when ordering eggs * 

Shipping & Returns

The Homestead Difference

All of our animals and products are sourced from a local homestead near Puyallup, WA. We're a small family farm. Our handmade products like our soaps and tallow are created in small batches. Our customers enjoy supporting us because care and attention is clearly present in everything we do.

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